HTML Links, CSS Layout, JS Functions.

201-Your reminder to trust the process!

HTML Links, CSS Layout, JS Functions.

Links are created using the element. Users can click on anything between the opening <a> and the closing </a> tag. You specify which page you want to link to by using the (href) attribute.

       `<a href="">IMDB`</a>`   The text between the `<a>` tag and the closing `</a> tag is know as link text. This should tell the visitor where they will be taken to. 


CSS treats each HTML elements as if it is in its own box. This box will either be a block-level box or an inline box.

CSS has 3 position schemes that allow you to control the layout of the page.

Functions, Methods, and Objects(pg. 88)


Browsers require very detailed instructions about what we want them to do. Therefore, complex scripts can run to hundreds (even thousands) of lines. Programmers use functions, methods, and objects to organize their code.

To create a function, you give it a name and then write the statements neede to achieve its tast inside the curly braces. This is known as a function declaration.