What is Node.js
- Node.js is a JavaScripot runtime built on Chrome’s V8 engine.
- Node.js is an event-based, non-blocking, asynchronour I/O runtime that uses Google’s JavaScript engine and libuv library.
In your own words, what is Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine.
- It’s an engine that has been optomized with certian specific components allowing JavaScript to run and execute code on local computers.
What does it mean that node is Javascript runtime?
- It is an engine that compiles JavaScript code to local machines?
What is npm?
- npm is a package manager and the world’s largest software registry.
What version of node are you running on your machine?
- 14.19.1
What version of npm are you running on your machine?
- 6.14.16
What command would you type to install a library/package called ‘jshint’?
- npm install -g jshint
What is node used for?
- designed to automate the process of developing a modern JavaScript application.
- it allows us to run JavaScript on the server.
6 Reasons for pair programming
What are the 6 reasons for pair programming?
1. Greater efficiency
2. Engaged collaboration
3. Learning from fellow students
4. Social skills
5. Job interview readiness
6. Work environment readiness
In your experience, which of these reasons have you founnd most beneficial?
- Engaged collaboration: It is harder to procrastinate or get off track when someone else is relying on you to complete the work.
How does pair programming work?
- Pair programming utilizes 4 fundamental ideologies:
Eachof these learning instruments are vital for learning becuase it actively emerges the student into the learning environment,forcing the mind to adapt.