this allows us to perform basic HTTP requests without the use of any additional libraries. All packages needed will be part of the package.
Creating Request:
Create a HttpUrlConnection instance using the openConnection() method of the URL clas.
Adding Request Parameters:
If we want to add parameters to a request, we have to set the doOutput property to true, then write a String of the form param1=value¶m2=value to the OutputStream of the HttpUrlConnection instance:
Setting Request Headers:
Adding headers to a request can be achieved by using the setRequestProperty() method.
Configuring Timeouts:
HttpUrlConnection class allows setting the connect and read timeouts.
To set the timeout values, we can use the setConnectTimeout() and setReadTimeout() methods:
Handling Cookies:
The package contains classes that ease working with cookies such as CookieManager and HttpCookie.
First, to read the cookies from a response, we can retrieve the value of the Set-Cookie header and parse it to a list of HttpCookie objects.
Handling Redirects:
We can enable or disable automatically following redirects for a specific connection by using the setInstanceFollowRedirects() method with true or false parameter.
It is also possible to enable or disable automatic redirect for all connections.
Reading Response:
Reading the response of the request can be done by parsing the InputStream of the HttpUrlConnection instance.
To execute the request, we can use the getResponseCode(), connect(), getInputStream() or getOutputStream() methods.
Reading the Response on Failed Requests
If the request fails, trying to read the InputStream of the HttpUrlConnection instance won’t work. Instead, we can consume the stream provided by HttpUrlConnection.getErrorStream().
Build the Full Response:
add the response status information
get the headers using getHeaderFields() and add each of them to our StringBuilder in the format HeaderName: HeaderValues.
read the response content as we did previously and append it.